Car loan

A beneficial loan for those wanting to buy a car from ABB!

Customers wanting to obtain a car loan can choose any car from all official car dealers and apply for the loan online.

To order the loan, click the "Apply" button, enter the FIN code of your ID card, your mobile number, and choose the branch that suits you. This way, you can find out the loan amount allocated to you without having to go to the branch quickly.

Car Loan Calculator

10% 100%
3 months 59 months
Initial calculation
0 Minimum initial payment
0 Monthly loan payment
0 Commission (0.5%, min 20 AZN)
0 % Annual interest rate
0 Loan amount
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Requirements for the customer


Annual interest rate* (depending on the type of car): Electric - from 13%; Hybrid – from 13.5%; Other - from 14%.

Amount: Up to 200,000 AZN

Duration: Up to 60 months

Commission: 0.5% (min. 20 AZN)

Initial payment: Starting from 10%

The production date of the cars to be purchased with the loan should be up to 3 years, and the mileage up to 1000 km.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from the car loan product?

Individuals with official income, receiving their salary on any bank card, can obtain the car loan product. The final decision on whether the loan is granted is based on analysis.

What documents are required to obtain a loan?

An identity card and a document confirming income are sufficient for initial analysis. Other documents may be required for verification of information.

Which cars can be obtained with a loan?

It is possible to obtain new cars from all official dealers with a loan.

How much is the initial payment?

For electric vehicles:  

   10% for vehicles with a production date of 3 years or less.

For hybrid motor vehicles: 

   20% for vehicles with a production date of 1 year or less;

   40% on vehicles with a production date between 1-3 years.

For vehicles powered by traditional fuel types:

      40% for vehicles with a production date of 1 year or less;

   50% on vehicles with a production date between 1-3 years.

Is a guarantor required?

No guarantor is required.

Are the vehicles insured?

Yes. Until the end of the loan term, the vehicles are insured by the customer's chosen (appropriate) company based on the customer's payment.


PIN code *

Do you have a job?
  • I give my permission for all data held at the Azerbaijan Credit Bureau LLC (and other organizations that maintain the credit registry) to be accessed by Azerbaijan International Bank OJSC, and for all collected data to be presented to, transferred to, collected by, and processed by these organizations. My consent for the access and processing of information in situations not related to debt obligations at the Azerbaijan Credit Bureau LLC (and other organizations that maintain the credit registry) is indefinite and remains in effect until revoked. I consent to the cross-border transfer of my personal information.
  • I have been informed about the option to create a report on my personal data via the "Electronic government portal" and to send it to the bank myself.
  • For the purpose of expediting my application, I do not object to my personal data, which is compiled through the portal by the operator of the "Electronic government portal," being presented to the authorized representative of "Azerbaijan International Bank" OJSC in accordance with Article 8.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Personal Data."
  • I also confirm that I am aware of the legal nature of the application, I have no objections to the provision of information, and I will not make any future claims against the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan's Data Processing Center and/or "Azerbaijan International Bank" OJSC in relation to the transfer of information.
  • I consent to my data being transferred to another credit bureau in the cases provided for by Article 11.3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Credit Bureaus."
  • I agree to the assessment of my creditworthiness and the fulfillment of my debt obligations and to receiving individual credit ratings as a subject of the credit history.
  • Understanding the responsibility for providing false information, I declare that I have reviewed the information in this questionnaire and confirm that it is correct, accurate, and complete.
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