
Call Center 24/7

Call Center of the Bank ABB serves customers 24/7. By contacting the Call Center, customers can get detailed information about the Bank's products and services without visiting the branches/sub-branches.

During the service, customers are asked questions about the serial number and FIN code of the ID, Client code (CIF) and security word for identification. When contacting the Call Center, the customer should keep an ID card, ABB payment card or account number information with them to easily answer these questions.

Call Center provides the following services:

  1. Information about the balance and account balance;
  2. Information about the card transaction (blocked amount, missed payment, etc.);
  3. Information about operations performed on credit limit cards;
  4. Information about the cash loan;
  5. Writing-off the fund which is in the cash loan account from the total debt;
  6. Reset the unsuccessful PIN attempts;
  7. Checking the card status;
  8. Blocking and activation of the cards;
  9. Requests placement regarding difficulties in ATM, CashIn and Azericard terminals;
  10. Activation/deactivation of SMS notification service, changing mobile number on SMS notification service;
  11. Activation of 3D Secure service/Verification/Changing active number on 3D Secure service;
  12. Activation of Mobilbank and Internet banking in case of blocking;
  13. Verification of all transactions through the POS terminal;
  14. Activation/deactivation of relevant card limits.




(+994 12) 437 79 00

Calls from landlines in Baku are completely free.

Calls from mobile operators and landlines outside of Baku are paid.

Email address:

[email protected]


ABB Mobile