TamKart members earn as they spend. From March 1 to April 10, customers who order a new TamKart credit card will get a gift up to 30 AZN during cashless payments.
Total of cashless payments:
- 10 AZN for those in the range of 100 - 299.99 AZN;
- 20 AZN for those in the range of 300 - 499.99 AZN;
- 500 AZN and above will receive a 30 AZN gift!
Campaign terms:
- The campaign will apply to all types of TamKart credit cards;
- Prize amount will be transferred to customers' accounts within 14 working days after the end of the campaign;
- Customers who replace their active TamKart credit card with a new one during the campaign period are not included in the campaign;
- Utility payments, mobile operator payments, tax/customs, state and insurance payments, payments to financial institutions, credit payments, KartTransfer, Unique cash, Quasi cash payments and cashing operations are not included in the campaign conditions;
- Canceled payments will not be considered in the campaign.