
ABB Business API

Via ABB Business API service, you can perform banking transactions in your operating system (ERP system). Using the ABB Business API, you can perform the following operations:

  • Transfers in national currency (within the bank, domestic payments, payment to state budget);
  • Transfers in foreign currency (within the bank, domestic payments, international payments);
  • FX deals;
  • Account statement;
  • Online account balance;
  • Payroll processing;
  • Account details;
  • Outstanding Loan details;
  • Confirmation document of the executed transfer;
  • Transfer cancelation;
  • Sending transfer documents;
  • ABB foreign currency rates;
  • Loan repayment schedule;
  • List of SWIFT codes;
  • The list of local banks and bank codes.

Confirmation methods for operations:

  • Signing transfers with OTP;
  • Authorization of transfers in Internet Banking;
  • Signing transfers with digital signature “ASAN İmza”.


How to join us:

  1. Apply to the e-mail address [email protected]
  2. Upload technical documentation to apply services
  3. Provide us with the public IP to be added to the white list
  4. A token is issued to the customer
  5. After the integration services are applied by the customer, the mutual testing phase is started
  6. An agreement to join the "ABB Business API" integration service is signed
  7. Use "ABB Business API" integration service


If you have additional questions regarding the "ABB Business API" service, you can send them to: [email protected]


Instructions for use:

To use the "ABB Business API" integration service, please get acquainted with technical documentation below:

"ABB Business API" integration service agreement

“ABB Business API” service onboarding process

ABB Mobile