International Bank of Azerbaijan (ABB) Open Joint-Stock Company
Name: Procurement of Agile Audit Consultancy Services by “ABB” OJSC
Tender Announcement Date: 18.08.2023
The tender is held for 1 lot.
Bidders are requested to submit their bids in written form in sealed, signed, double-layered envelopes.
Bidders must have the necessary financial and technical capability to honor the contract.
Companies wishing to participate in the tender must have at least 2 (two) years of business experience in their area.
Those wishing to participate in the tender may receive a set of basic terms and conditions written in the Azerbaijani language after transferring the participation fee to the indicated account in the following amount per lot.
Participation fee:
For Lot – 1 100 (one hundred) manats
TIN : 9900001881
CODE: 805250
C/a: AZ03NABZ01350100000000002944
S/a: AZ12IBAZ34501019440000100100 AZN
S/a: AZ33IBAZ34511018400000100100 USD
Participation fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.
A set of basic conditions, written in the Azerbaijani language, will be available to participants at 67 Nizami Street, (Coordinator: Hikmət Quliyev, telephone number: 012 4930091 ext. 8213, e-mail address: Nasimi district, Baku.
Documents to be submitted for participation in the tender:
- written application for participation in the tender (bid);
- bank document on payment of the tender fee;
- tender offer (must be valid for at least 30 (thirty) banking days from the date of opening of tender envelopes (08 September 2023) (i.e. no later than 20 October 2023);
- A bank guarantee in the amount of 1 (one) percent of the tender offer value (must be at least 30 banking days beyond the last day of the tender offer validity period (i.e., must be valid until at least 04 December 2023));
- Certificate of the relevant tax authority on the absence of overdue obligations of the debtor on taxes and other obligatory payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- a copy of the financial report on the applicant's activities for the last year approved by the tax authorities;
- a bank statement of the applicant's financial position for the last year;
- Applicant's full name, legal status, statutes, country and bank details;
- other documents at the discretion of the applicant;
- If the applicant is a non-resident, to establish the tax residence of the applicant, a document (certificate) confirming their tax residency shall be submitted.
The documents shall be prepared in the Azerbaijani language, in 2 copies (original and photocopy) (tender offers in foreign languages should be translated into Azerbaijani language).
In order to participate in the tender, bidders must submit the above documents (except for the tender offer and the bank guarantee) by 17:00 on 1 September 2023, and the tender offer and the bank guarantee in sealed manner and in double-layered envelopes by 17:00 on 7 September 2023 to the address No. 67, Nizami Street, Nasimi District, Baku City.
Envelopes submitted later than the indicated deadline will be returned unopened.
The Bidders' Offers will be opened on 8 September 2023 at 16:00 at the address No. 67 Nizami Street, Nasimi District, Baku.
Only authorised representatives of the bidders are allowed to participate. Participating representatives must present a document confirming their authorisation (power of attorney).
The Tender Committee